Reunion island, the wild jewel of the Indian Ocean
A paradise for hikers rather than beach lovers, Reunion island is a paradise of nuances, where each region has its own character, always well tempered! From the UNESCO-listed cirques to the endemic forests, from the volcano ridges to the ocean lagoons and the Creole villages, Réunion Island is a devilishly sporty destination that will also delight lovers of mixed cultures, at the crossroads of three continents: Asia, Europe and Africa.
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How do I make my Wishlist?
- Select the country you want to travel to
- Choose your points of interest by clicking on the marker on the map or on the items listed below the map
- A window then opens, displaying information on the chosen points of interest
- If it is one of your requirements, click on “Add destination”
- Repeat for each point of interest you want to visit
- When your list is complete, go to your wishlist and click on “start your journey”
- Complete the form to share your list with us, specifying your contact details
- We will get back to you as soon as possible
- If you are still unsure about how to travel or you destination/s choice/s, contact us and we will help you narrow down your choices according to your wishes and possibilities